Decent work for a decent life
The ILO held its international forum in Lisbon under the topic "Decent Work for a Fair Globalization".
I had the priviledge to take part in what was intended to be a broad social platform for discussing the forging of a new movement for promoting decent work.
The Forum gathered 300 representatives of the ILO tripartite social partners – governments, workers and employers – as well as representatives of parliaments, civil society and government and opinion leaders to discuss the current economic situation.
It all makes a lot of sense, when the world is about to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Just as Ms. Mary Robinson pointed out in her brilliant speech, this is the time for nations to renew their committments to the advancement of fundamental rights. Decent work is amognst those and it is perhaps the most powerful guarantee of economic development and social cohesion on a global scale.
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