quarta-feira, setembro 26, 2007

bureau with a view over the avenue

so my yesterday's meeting went well beyond my brightest definition of good.

and it made me, as usual, do a lot of rethinking on what I should be doing professionally. (i think, and i think, and i think, especially in bed...)

don't please think i am a snob, accostumed only to the bureaucrats' luxury and wellbeing. I had a taste of that in Brussels and it can indeed be addictive, while at the same time illusionary.

let's say i am making much more sense of what i want for myself. and let's say i really enjoy the general mood and high culture experiences my present job has been offering me. in that sense, i feel really priviledged.

i've given up my semiotic and cultural studies fever of the past - would it ever bring bread to the table? - (though the hard task of interpretation will always be with me, insistingly), and i have this very grounded feeling i will hardly become a journalist.

too much disenchantment i've experienced while inhabitting the newsroom.

right now, i feel very good.

i want to make that feeling last, make it seem like a walk down the avenue - in which bureaux may be located on top of high buildings, but in which the trees' shadows will always welcome me on the ground.

avenida da Liberdade, Lisboa