terça-feira, janeiro 24, 2006

Humpty Dumpty's metaphysical saga

melodic harmony that goes along with the questioning of the self. and with laughter and irony, of course. a must, selected and recommended by Loulou.

«The Humpty Dumpty Love Song

All of the king's horses
And all of the kings men
Couldn't put my heart back together again
All of the physicians and mathematicians too
Failed to stop my heart from breaking in two

Cos all I need is you
I just need you
Yeah, you got the glue
So I'm going to give my heart to you

I had a premonition
A movie in my mind
Confirming my suspicions about what I would fine
You followed me to LA, down to Mexico
Came in through the back door
At the start of the show

Oh was a perfect day
Oh in a perfect way
You know, something had to go
You left me high, you left me low
Now as I lie in pieces, await for your return
The sun upon my forehead
It burns, baby, burns, baby, burns
An eye on all my horses
You slept with all my men
I'm never going to get it together again»

lyrics: Travis

segunda-feira, janeiro 23, 2006

within the photographer's eyes i play la jouiassance du souvenir

i tend to prefer cities by the sea. i live by the sea. i lived by the sea.
Helsinki was by the sea and it became my favourite belveder over waves, tempests or glorious sunny days. my gallery with a view to the islands. near and far.

Helsinki is by the sea. and this is the port.

morning fog. brumous days. trough the joy of passion they became brightness. Helsinki rhymes with feeling.

i remember the shyness of a trip to Suomenlinna. my eyes uncapable of hidding their centre of attention. and a brunch by the harbour.

for our personnal, eternal record.

fotografia: Niklas Sjoblom

i speak. i say. kiss. tongue. clear white words. wish i had the poet's tongue.

«Língua dos Versos

língua da fala;
língua recebida lábio
a lábio; beijo
ou sílaba;
clara, leve, limpa;
da água, da terra, da cal;
materna casa da alegria
e da mágoa;
dança do sol e do sal;
língua em que escrevo;
ou antes: falo.»

texto: Eugénio de Andrade.
imagem: Roy Lichtenstein «The kiss» 1962

quinta-feira, janeiro 19, 2006

following the sun

Following the sun, to find the one
Who's giving you the wings to fly
Following the sun, the golden one
Losing sense for space and time

Can you feel the waves of life
(Can you) hear the sigh of love
Do you believe in it ?

Following the sun, just for the one
Till you'll find the door you thought
Following the sun, like everyone
Searching for a sign of hope

Have a look up to the sky
See the billion stars above
Cos (maybe) on one of them
You'll spend your further life

texto: Enigma
quadro: Edward Hopper; «sun in an empty room»

quarta-feira, janeiro 18, 2006

Once in Helsinki, part I

Not a guide, not for touristical purposes.
Let's call it portfolio of memories. Time, distance and missing give me the emotional awareness to re-live and to remember places, persons, happenings, moments, fragments. And I know it is not the feeling of a lonesome.

«Fazer». Lazy sweet afternoons. Heaven for delicacies' gourmets.

terça-feira, janeiro 17, 2006

The origin of metaphysics, part II

Ready to go.

The origin of metaphysics, part I

but it's a egg-person
you can't ignore that
like the gingerbread
is a ginger-person
not a cookie
he lives
and it's so cruel
they all die
being eaten, or they fall and break»


Um trabalho académico

Começar é um acto criativo que congrega em si o melhor e o pior de dois mundos distintos. O impulso original [páginas, páginas, páginas que florescem, ideias, referências que se cruzam... pensar que afinal até há um nexus] e a letargia [sentado, extâse contemplativa frente ao ecrã e nem uma ideia avulta]...

Há quem se inspire com música. A melodia ajuda-me, muitas vezes, é verdade.

The soundtrack of this enterprise of mine is by Joanna Newsom. Ah, if it was a record, the track «the sprout and the bean» would certainly sound scratched... Well, lately I listen to it time and again, as if I could enter that naif surrealism.

Impossible not to laugh at sentences like:
«I slept all day awoke with distaste and I railed, and I raved That the difference between the sprout and the bean is a golden ring, it is a twisted string. And you can ask the counselor; you can ask the king; and they'll say the same thing; and it's a funny thing: Should we go outside? Should we go outside? Should we break some bread? Are y'interested?».

Some bread would be lovely. Indeed I'm interested.

segunda-feira, janeiro 16, 2006

Por que é volátil,

a vontade?

protège moi

tomara «eu» a plasticidade do tempo. diria «eu» que o grande problema dos existencialistas é a irreversibilidade desta entidade voraz. pudesse «eu» e apagaria sempre o meu rasto, o meu lastro... para, simplesmente, o poder viver de novo. E a construção instável e débil que «eu» sou, seria, pelo menos, mais consistente. Mas isto é o delírio da dúvida, apenas. Duvido, pelo menos. O que apazigua algumas inquietações flamejantes.


Insatisfeito. Insatisfeito comigo. Nunca contrafeito. Mas sempre consumido na insatisfação que nunca tarda em bater-me à porta.

Ah, «eu». Como nunca me desfaço e me aperto cada vez mais em torno deste nó.

Autêntico [?] e delirante. Transbordo, às vezes. Sou mínimo, outras tantas.
Exposto à fragilidade dos dias, canto:

«(Protège-moi, protège-moi)
(Protège-moi, protège-moi)
(Protège-moi, protège-moi)»

estar onde não estou

Good luck
Boa sorte.

leitura que me faz lembrar

Leitura solitária que descobri em Helsínquia, quando não estava na faculdade, na Aleksandria, no Wayne's ou no doce deambular, entre amigos que não esqueço.

Afinal, eu estava a ler-me por dentro. Com lupa e tudo.

And how could I possibly forget those days. Winter was in the world. Still, warmth belonged to us. As we walked the streets of that harmless city, all of us hoping to find some meaning. And meaning was found. Thank you all, Sarah, Patrick, Julia and Lotte.

Thank you, Loulou, for making my days possible.

«i thank You God for this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spritis of trees
and a blue true dream of sky;and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun's birthday;this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any - lifted from the no
of all nothing - human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)»

[e.e. cummings]

obrigado Meu Deus por mais este espantoso
dia:pelos saltitantes e vrentes espíritos das árvores
e um azul autêntico sonho celeste; e por tudo
o que é natural o que é infinito o que é sim

(eu que morri estou hoje vivo de novo,
e este é o dia de anos do sol;este é de anos
o dia da vida e do amor e asa:do alegre
grande evento ilimitavelmente terra)

como poderia saboreando tocando ouvindo vendo
respirando qualquer - erguido do não
de todo o nada - ser simplesmente humano
duvidar inimaginável de Ti?

(agora os ouvidos dos meus ouvidos despertam e
agora os olhos dos meus olhos estão abertos)

[e.e. cummings; tradução de Jorge Fazenda Lourenço]

no slip of the tongue

I am becoming bilingual.